Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let the games begin!

So, I decided that I would start HCG yesterday and maybe load for 3 days and then start the VLCD on Monday. That was before I remembered how hard it is to load once the HCG is in your system. All of the yummy things I was dreaming about, went out the window. I was having to force it most of the time! Such a cruel trick :) So this morning I am off for my final french toast! I hope I can get it down. I guess I will see how I feel tomorrow morning. I may just go ahead with the VLCD then. I hope I survive today...... :)


  1. I'll be just 2 & 1/2 weeks behind you! I'm starting R2 on 9/13/10. I'm chomping at the bit! Good luck to you!

  2. I started R3 of VLCD last week. So, I am one week ahead of you. I expect this to stay for 3 more weeks, and then I (should) have reached my target weight (or at least close to it). Beside fighting sinus problems (probably due more to pollution than diet) it has been relatively simple.

    Hang in there...we are all in this together and cheering each other on.

    (Put an extra pat of butter on the French Toast, for me!)

  3. Seattle- Well I can't say I was chomping at the bit, but I am glad I started and am just going to get it over with :) Good luck to you too!

    Marilyn- Congrats that you will reach your target weight this round! Such a great feeling. That is what I am hoping for this round. I am hoping I have a good round and that I feel pretty good. My last round was not fun, but the first two were not too bad! P.S. The french toast was amazing :)
