Friday, June 10, 2011

Checking In...

Sorry so long since my last post. I was able to have a consultation with Sugar Free and go over my blood work. I have ordered the supplements I need to help get my numbers back in line, and am getting ready to leave for vacation. When I get back I should have everything I need to start getting my body back on track! I hope you all are having a great summer :) No one is posting anything so you must be busy. Talk to you when I get back....


  1. Hey Jen P-- I've been keeping up with your journey, and am very interested. How do you know what tests to take, and do you ask your doctor to prescribe them for you? I just went to the Dr. last week, and mentioned that I thought I might have adrenal fatigue, and she told me "that I was looking for zebras when I have enough cows in the room to explore". She wouldn't go any further in that direction. So, are you doing these lab tests on your own, and sending the results to sugar free, and then she's interpreting the results? Are the medications or supplements she's recommending to get your numbers back to normal, over the counter? If not, who are you using to get them?

    I guess I'm asking how does it work? I know I need to do something like this, as I've gained over 50lbs since my last round. It's a result of a screwed up metabolism, I think. I just don't know where to start getting back on track. I like what I've read about your new journey though....

    Any news about Houston?

  2. Hey LD!

    On the right hand side of the blog there is a link to "Metabolic Blood Tests" . That is the list of blood work you need to really see what the problem is. This would be along with a lipid panel. I just asked my doctor to run them. Some docs will and some won't. They should do a lipid panel since they should be checking that anyway. The link also gives a website where you can order the tests yourself online and then walk in to one of the local labs and get them that way too. Right now everything I will be taking will be over the counter. I have to raise my vitamin D and Ferritin levels before I can work on my reverse T3 issue which will require prescription meds. I will have to see if my doc will work with me on that one, or find one who will. I had the tests done, and then paid for a consultation with SugarFree over the phone. All of the supplements were inexpensive except for one which was about $33. I just ordered them online. When I get back from vacation I will start the supplements and start the "diet". I will definitely keep you posted.
    As for Houston we are on hold now. My husbands company is not going to stay permanently at this time. I was bummed because we both really loved The Woodlands. We think we still want to move there eventually, but we will see :)

  3. Thanks Jen P- I'll have to investigate further. My problem is finding a Dr. to work with. The one I have now is very old school. I'd like to find a naturopath, but I'm just not in a financial position to do much about it right now.

    I'm sorry to hear that Houston is on hold- glad to hear you liked the Woodlands though!

    Keep posting about your journey and it's process. There's lots of us who are learning from your experience.

  4. Reading your posts and the links you provided have really made me second guess something that I have believed in because hCG changed my life. If I hadn't gained back 30 pounds of the 70 I lost I probably would just ignore all this, but it makes sense with my experiences and such. Can't wait to hear more from you.

  5. Hi, I'm new here. Quite excited to find your page since my friend and I were talking about doing HGC, but after reading your info, I think I will not be doing it.

    I do have a question though, who or what is Sugar Free? I saw where you went to Sugar Free for your test results and some one else posted they were going to start the "Sugar Free" protocol.

    I live just North of Houston and was wondering if "Sugar Free" was a doctor that you use or a diet plan. (I feel stupid for asking)

    PS - you look great! I'm currently at 195 and need to get to at least 175.

  6. Melody asked: "Who or what is Sugar Free?"

    Hi, Melody -- I'm definitely a 'Who.' :)

    It's my blog and Protocol that Jen has been kind enough to showcase here. If you go there and start reading (might want to start with the "Welcome To My World" post and then move on to the "HCG Analysis, Part I") -- you can post any questions that you have as a comment and I'll be happy to answer.


  7. HCG is an effective way to reduce the weight. It burns the existent fat in the body. It really works well.

    hcg diet

  8. Buladi said: "HCG is an effective way to reduce the weight. It burns the existent fat in the body. It really works well."

    I wish that were the case. But evolution, which shaped HCG, shaped it for a purpose. And that purpose is simple: it is to help support pregnancy and breast-feeding in lean times. This helps the species to survive. And in order to do that, HCG has one main goal: to add additional adipose fat cells to pregnant women, so that extra fat can be stored in them. It does this by helping proto-fat cells -- the tiny pre-fat cells that orbit fat cells -- to become full-fledged fat cells themselves. It's quite a brilliant design!

    So when women inject themselves with HCG, they are injecting a hormone that will give them additional fat cells, and do nothing to 'reduce the weight'. The severely reduced carbohydrates in the Protocol itself is what allows the TRUE 'weight reducer' -- Lipolysis -- to take place.

    Lipolysis has also been designed by evolution to help the species to survive. Just as HCG gives women extra fat cells to store fat against the lean times, Lipolysis is the biological process that opens those fat cells in the lean times to allow the fat out to be used for fuel when food is scarce. But since Lipolysis can only take place in the absence of insulin, a low calorie, low carbohydrate diet (which is exactly what is eaten in starvation times) is called for.

    Again, the HCG does nothing but -- literally -- make you fatter. It is Lipolysis that allows excess fat to be burned and used for fuel. Basic Biology 101. :)


  9. The HCG diet reshapes and reduces the body of the user. Many people using HCG are comfortable and satisfied with the results.
    hcg hormone diet

  10. Hey Jen P! I'm just checking in on you, and wondering how you are doing? I wondered if you knew that Caitlin is also now doing the sugarfreegoodies program? thought you might be interested- I miss hearing about and from you! HUGS---

  11. Umair wrote: "The HCG ***diet*** reshapes and reduces the body of the user."

    Thank you for clarifying this. Yes, it is the DIET (not the HCG) that 'reshapes and reduces'. That's because the Diet is STARVATION level calories, and when humans starve, LIPOLYSIS (a process designed by evolution to let the human species survive) occurs. It opens the fat cells and allows the adipose fat out to be burned as fuel. Naturally, if you burn your excess fat stores you will indeed be 'reshaped and 'reduced'. It's just that, as I've demonstrated, HCG has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

    Unfortunately, if you starve longer than two weeks however, the brain goes into "starvation mode" and shuts down the metabolism via the thyroid hormones, and insulin resistance (precursor to diabetes) grows. You start losing lean muscle mass and lean tissue as well. This is a horrid, downward spiral.

    I've now reviewed the blood tests of over 100 women who have taken HCG and the pattern I see is identical for each of them: hyperinsulinemia (a form of diabetes) and major cases of Hypothyroidism. What a terrible price to pay, especially when no one needs to pay it. Simply deal with the root cause of what made you fat to begin with -- insulin resistance -- and the fat will simply disappear. No HCG OR starvation is required!


  12. I am so glad I found your blog. I did HCG once and lost, and went to do it again...and thanks to you, I stopped and decided I needed to take a healthier approach considering I have PCOS. So Thank you so much. I would love to be keep in contact with you as you have been quite an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for writing this and giving me a wake up call. :)

  13. Hi, Jen! Just thought I'd let you know that SugarFreeGoodies has moved to our very own hosted blog. We're now at:

    There's even a live Chat so anyone can (if I'm at the computer) click the button and ask me questions one-on-one.

    Hope you're well -- and Happy Passover/Easter to all!


  14. Hi Whaere did you go?? I just found you and I too did HCG and now want to start primal! Wow I grew up in West Jordan, hope you still check this blog!!
