Monday, August 31, 2009

Day Thirteen...

Ok people, what did I say yesterday about being prepared... yep today was a gain of .2 lbs!  I did not take my magnesium and had not gone to the bathroom in a few days so I don't think that it is a real gain, but it is definitely no loss.  The great thing is that by having friends and the forums you know that these days are to be expected.  If you think about it, the average woman loses 25-30 pounds on a 40 day round.  So that would mean there will be the equivalent of 10-15 days with no loss at all.  I am thirteen days in, and only had one day with no loss (TOM), so in reality I am doing pretty good :)  I did have beef, egg, and sugar free gum yesterday.  BUT I have eaten all of these besides the egg before and lost a pound or more.  So my guess is like Dr. S says, that there are just some days that the body is catching up from big losses or the hcg is breaking down a bunch of fat which requires water retention and you don't see a loss until you release it.  Either way I am good and happy with all of my success so far!  By the way, my friends stall of 3 days broke today with a pound loss! Yea!

Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: chicken,tomato,strawberry choc smoothie
Dinner: chicken,romaine,melba,orange
Eve: tea

Today was a pretty good day.  Walked for about 40 min.  Felt pretty tired in the afternoon for a few hours.  Felt bummed out and craved the good old life of going out to dinner and good food:(  Realized that your emotions really swing from one end to the other thru out this process. Took my magnesium.  We will see what tomorrow brings :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day Twelve...

Morning of day 12......down 1.4 lbs!!  Very excited!  I am going to go do some cartwheels and will finish update tonight!

Went for a 35 min walk this morning. Beautiful! Kind of a lazy day today. My friend that is doing this with me has been struggling over the last couple of days with only losing .2 over the last 3 days.  This tells me, I know I need to mentally prepare for those days too.  Those days are going to happen along the way, but just gotta keep going!  Here is what I ate today:

Morning: Yerba Mate Tea  hot
Mid: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: hamburger,tomato,strawberry chocolate smoothie.
Mid: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Dinner: egg+3whites, 3/4 apple
Eve: other 1/4th of apple

I love the hamburger tomato thing, but I know some people have issues with beef.  I am only going to have it 2-3 times a week just to be sure.  Also tried the eggs today, which is in the protocol as something to have occasionally, and they were really good.  Not much else to report.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day Eleven...

Down -1.2 lbs!! TOM is gone!!  Just had to post early because I was so excited.  Will finish up todays info later :)

Okay, so I spoke too soon about TOM being gone.  It pretty much was, but it sort of spotted through out the rest of the day.  I felt really good today.  Lots of energy.  Went on a 40 min walk.  Cleaned house, laundry etc.  Date night with the hubby tonight.  

Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate Tea hot
Mid-Morning: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: Chicken, tomato, orange
Afternoon: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Dinner: Chicken, tomato, melba
At the Movies: apple

This was the first time I was really out of my controlled environment.  First off my husband got McDonalds and ate it in the car next to me on our way to the movies.  I will admit the smells were a little hard to take.  Not because I was hungry, but because emotionally I wanted some :)  At the movies I ate my apple which was great.  We stopped at the store because hubby wanted a treat ;(  So we got in bed: me with my perrier, chocolate stevia water and him with a box of cookies.  To tell you the truth, this time I was so tired that I did not even care.  Just a note about TOM.  I was definitely fighting more cravings, emotions, and hunger in am/pm while on it. Drink your water and your tea!  It really makes it go away.  Great day overall!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day Ten...

Finally!  Down -1.0 lbs!  I really needed to see that today.  Funny how your mind plays tricks on you.  Even though I am on my period I started thinking that something was wrong with my foods or hidden sugar etc.  I got my new Stevia products yesterday and am going to try them out today.  Energy was better this morning, but started feeling really tired around 4pm.  Went for 45 min bike ride after dinner.  Felt kind of down today.  Wished for comfort food.  Felt like 40 days seemed like forever.  I am sure TOM is the culprit.  Oh well tomorrow is another day.  

Here is what I ate today:
Morning:  Yerba Mate Tea  hot, 1/4 apple
Lunch: Chicken, Tomato, Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie
Dinner: Cod, Asparagus, Rest of apple

Pretty boring day.  Happy for the weight loss, and hoping that it won't go back up tomorrow since I am still on my period.....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day Nine...

Down -.2 lbs.  Not much but hey at least it was down and not up.  It has been hard mentally not to get that daily big loss, and also the wondering if it will pick right back up when this is over.  But I decided not to stress too much and just keep going.  This morning I drank my tea and went for about a 45 min walk.  Then had to go help put together desks at my sons new school, and finished it off with 1/2 hour of weeding.   I am now VERY tired.   Took it easy for most the rest of the day. Tried to take a nap but my mind would not let go.  My body wanted to really bad, but no go.

Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate Tea  hot
Lunch: Xtra lean hamburger, tomato, strawberry/choc slush
Afternoon:  Yerba Mate cold
Dinner: chicken, tomato, apple
Todays food was awesome, both meals I sprinkled chili powder, salt, pepper, and cumin and just simmered those together with the meat and tomato. Almost like chili.  Could eat that every day, and I don't like tomatoes!  There is that thing again.  Food tastes different.

Tried to go to bed early....MISTAKE.  I had been so tired all day and thought that would be easy.  NO.  I got in bed by nine and could not sleep until 1:30am.  And it was toss and turn all night.  Not fun.  My friend said she had the same problem on her period.  These periods cause all kinds of havoc.  I noticed I also feel hunger in the mornings and at night when on my period that are not there usually.  I just drink water or tea and it goes away, but still more to deal with. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Eight...

ZERO!  That is what the scale said this morning.  I was devastated.  I could not figure out what I did wrong and thought am I going to stall already??  But then I started to count the days since my last period and it had been 29 days....hmmmm.  One hour later I started.  Phew!  After reading everyone elses blogs I knew that you will mostly like flip between gains and/or just maintain thru out this time.  This is a challenge to not get those great results on the scale for your hard work each day :)  I was a little more emotional today, to be expected, but none of the horrible cramps people had talked about.  I am going to go straight thru with the shots as long as I feel good.  I noticed that this has been all encompassing for the last 8 days and that I needed to do my hair, put on my make up and go do something instead of scouring the web for possible HCG info! Tried to really up the water intake. Went biking for 30 minutes after dinner. Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate Tea  hot
Lunch:  romaine, chicken, and "apple pie".  Found recipe that was pretty good.
Afternoon: Yerba Mate Tea  cold
Dinner: steak,spinach,strawberries. 
Eve: Perrier with lemon and stevia

Mr. Scale....please move in the right direction tomorrow..... ;)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day Seven...

Down -1.6lbs today!  Woo Hoo!!  I have been doing this with a friend and we have almost the same exact results so far.  Felt good this morning, but also had slight hunger feelings.  Nothing bad.  Drank tea and water then worked out. Did the same workout as yesterday, and felt really good afterwards. Yesterday I noticed that my box of Nu Stevia had maltodextrin!  That is a starch.  It hasn't seemed to effect me so far, but I ordered some new stevia products in chocolate, vanilla, and plain by Sweetleaf that doesn't add any extras.  Got a little tired in the afternoon, probably due to not sleeping well with my neck. Foods are starting to taste different. A week ago I would have turned my nose up at salad with just salt pepper and lemon juice or vinegar.  Now it tastes heavenly.  Bonus!! Here is what I ate today:

Morning: Yerba Mate Tea  hot
Mid-morning: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: romaine,chicken salad with melba crumbled on top.  Strawberry chocolate slush on the side.
Afternoon:  Yerba Mate Tea cold
Dinner: Asparagus,cod,orange.
eve: tazo tea

Great day today.  Not as energetic as yesterday, but thats okay.  Had a few of those moments where you say, do I really need to do this etc, etc.  But it passed quickly.  Miss going out to eat with my husband.  We loved going out together for a fun dinner and dessert.  Not to mention that I hate cooking and being in the kitchen :(  But he also looks fab, and doesn't have to do a thing so in the end I always pay the price, not him! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day six....

Down -1.0 lbs today!  Not as big as the first few days but it should settle in to the .7 to 1 lb mark per day.  Today is awesome!  I feel better than ever.  Mentally clear and physically strong.  I did 30min walking on treadmill at 3.0mph, and then did a set of 15 squats,lunges,biceps,triceps,shoulders,upper crunches,lower crunches, and both sides of obliques.  I was worried that I would not feel good or need to stop, but in fact I felt even better after working out.  No hunger what so ever.  I was an hour late for lunch, but was perfectly fine and did not even eat my melba toast.  If this is how I will feel the whole protocol, then this will be a breeze.  Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate tea hot
Lunch: romaine, steak, strawberry chocolate sorbee/slush?
Mid-Afternoon:  Yerba Mate tea cold
Dinner: cod,asparagus,apple
Eve: lemon icee

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day Five...

Today I lost another 4 lbs!  This is amazing!!  I have felt pretty good and have not been super hungry.  The last 30-45 minutes before a meal are the hardest. I finally went to the bathroom this morning, so the smooth move tea helped yesterday. Here is what I ate today:

yerba mate tea, with tbsp milk
romaine, chicken, apple, melba toast.  
Dressing was apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and stevia.
I could not eat all of my apple so I saved it for later around 3:00pm and drank a bottle of the yerba mate you can just mix with hot or cold water.

Dinner was spinach, chicken, strawberries, melba toast.
I also made a lemon, strawberry icee before bed.  I used one strawberry from my dinner.

I drank 1tbsp apple cider vinegar in water, just because it was suggested.

Today I felt really good overall.  I felt mentally clear. No real hunger issues. The only thing I noticed was that at times I felt physically weak.  Like I knew that if I tried to do the things I normally would do (dance,volleyball,biking,etc) that I would not be able to.  I hope that adjusts because I am really missing my exercise.  I am going to try to go on a good walk tomorrow and see how I do. This really is easier than I thought.

Day Four...

Got on the scale..... lost 4.6 lbs!  Holy Cow that is awesome!  So I lost all of the load days, plus 1.2 lbs from my starting weight.  I am so excited.  This is an easy way to lose weight.  Today I ate at 12:00 and 5:00.  I only had two time thru out the day that I felt kind of hungry, but it never got bad.  Had a couple of time that I thought about sugar, but it did not stay for long.  My neck was still killing me, but I did not want to throw up again, so I did not take the pain killers.  I don't know what is worse! :(  Oh  well.   Here is what I ate today:

Melba toast
This was awesome.  I made a dressing of: 1/2 c water, 1/4 white vinegar, 3 stevia packets, sesame seeds and poppy seeds.
Cottage Cheese
Melba Toast
used same dressing.

Today I tried to drink more water.  I tried a yerba mate tea that you just put into cold or hot water.  It was excellent in cold water with ice.  I also made a lemon icee before bed that was great.  1/2 lemon juiced, 1 stevia packet, 1 cup water, and 1 cup ice, blend till icee texture.  Perfect!  I have not gone to the bathroom yet so I tried some smooth move tea that was suggested. We'll see how that goes.

Day Three....

Got on this scale this morning......gained 3 lbs!! :(  Kinda scary, but thats what is supposed to happen.  That is a total of 3.4 lbs gained over the 2 loading days.  This is the first day of the VLCD, so I am a little nervous about being starving and all that.  My neck also went out on me and I am in alot of pain.  On pain killers with not alot of food.  That should be fun.   I started drinking water and was not really hungry until around 11:00am.  Had lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 7:30.   I was not hungry all day.  I think this was in part to the pain meds.  I ended up throwing up right before dinner, which was not fun at all.  But I was able to eat dinner and be okay the rest of the night.  Here is what I ate today:

chicken, strawberries, cucumbers, melba toast.  I also made a drink using lemon juice, 1 strawberry, stevia, and perrier and ice.  It was good and I was full.
apple, cottage cheese, melba toast.  I did not eat my vegtable.

Overall it was a good day.  Can't wait to see the results of the first day!

Day Two...

Woke up and got on the scale.  I gained .4lbs.  I was expecting more, but oh well.  Took my shot.   This was another loading day.  So I decided to really try to eat as much as I could.  Here is what I ate:

Kneaders french toast! Yum!
Pumkin cookie
2 cheese burgers, fries, and diet coke.
Pumkin cookie
Coconut m & m 's
Olive garden salad, bread sticks, stuffed chicken marsala with angel hair alfredo on the side, strawberry daiquiri, lemon creme cake
Coconut m & m 's

I did much better today.  It was still hard to force it all in, but not as hard  as yesterday.  We will see how much damage I did tomorrow :)

Day One...

Today is a loading day.  I did not eat as much as I should have, but I have been on vacation the last 2 weeks and gained 5 pounds so I think I will be okay.  Heres what I ate:

Split with a friend:
JCW Hawaiian burger combo, with cheese fries and banana split.
Pumkin cookie
Salad, about 10 chips and salsa, chicken and 1/3 of a molten chocolate cake.

For some reason I felt like I could not shove one more thing in mouth.  HCG?  I don't know, but it was hard.

A new beginning....

 I decided to start this blog because I keep wishing someone else had one that I could read and get answers to my questions while on my first round of HCG.  Maybe someone else will benefit from this in the future.  I am doing the 40 day protocol.  I will list each days weight and what was eaten, exercise if any, and how I was feeling.