Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day Eleven...

Down -1.2 lbs!! TOM is gone!!  Just had to post early because I was so excited.  Will finish up todays info later :)

Okay, so I spoke too soon about TOM being gone.  It pretty much was, but it sort of spotted through out the rest of the day.  I felt really good today.  Lots of energy.  Went on a 40 min walk.  Cleaned house, laundry etc.  Date night with the hubby tonight.  

Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Yerba Mate Tea hot
Mid-Morning: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: Chicken, tomato, orange
Afternoon: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Dinner: Chicken, tomato, melba
At the Movies: apple

This was the first time I was really out of my controlled environment.  First off my husband got McDonalds and ate it in the car next to me on our way to the movies.  I will admit the smells were a little hard to take.  Not because I was hungry, but because emotionally I wanted some :)  At the movies I ate my apple which was great.  We stopped at the store because hubby wanted a treat ;(  So we got in bed: me with my perrier, chocolate stevia water and him with a box of cookies.  To tell you the truth, this time I was so tired that I did not even care.  Just a note about TOM.  I was definitely fighting more cravings, emotions, and hunger in am/pm while on it. Drink your water and your tea!  It really makes it go away.  Great day overall!

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