Thursday, June 24, 2010

R3 LM D69..... Karma, it will get you every time!

We got a call from the Orem Police Dept yesterday. Wanting to know if we had a recent break in. Turns out they busted an apartment and they found our camera that was stolen, and it had a picture of the store front in it. We went down to claim it and see if they had anything else from the store. We were shocked to find a massive conference room FILLED with stolen goods from this one thief!! I mean tables and tables and tables of stuff. We got all of our HCG and stevia back. They did not have our laptops unfortunately, but we got everything else! So if you know anyone who has been robbed recently, chances are the Orem Police Dept can help them out :)

I have not been weighing and just been doing my normal routine. I had gotten pretty obsessive about the calorie tracking and realized that it was making me miserable. I remember after my first and second round I never counted one calorie. I just followed the "rules" and my weight stayed the same. I had never felt that free, and for once in my life did not have a running calorie count in my head. That is what I am missing. So, I am going to try and stay off the scale and go by the mirror, how I am feeling, and how clothes fit. With vacation coming up, I refuse to let a number affect how my vacation turns out. When I get back I will see how I have done, and might consider doing one more round at the end of summer. For now, I feel thin and clothes fit fine :) As for today, I am going to dance class and then lay by the pool before work...... ahhhh :)


  1. HOOOORAY!!!! I am so happy the stolen loot was recovered (with the exception of the laptops). That is such great news! You all must be thrilled!

    Oh, I so need to follow your lead. I'm addicted to the calorie tracking. That is SO hard for me to give up - that sense of control! Baby steps. I'll get there. Now that I'm eating more again, I'm gearing up to start Pilates again. I think I'll wait until Monday though, post full moon.

    You sound great. As always, you truly, truly inspire me.

  2. Good news!! So glad to hear some of the items could be recovered! :) I totally understand the obsessing over calorie counting, I was obsessed myself until about 2 weeks ago, when I quit cold turkey! lol Last week I was up on the scale but was also getting ready for TOM to arrive. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh in is better otherwise I might have to go back to some counting, which I really don't want to do!! Good luck to you, you are so good at sticking to everything you put your mind to! =)

  3. I just have to tell you about my recent experience. I went on a cruise to Alaska just as I was finishing up with Phase 3 and heading into P4. I knew I wouldn't be able to weigh in everyday and decided that I would carefully enjoy myself. I was not food-deprived not one little bit.

    I typically do not eat sugar and am gluten intolerant. However, because cruise ships cater to the public, I had a special person help me each evening at the dining table. I would order from the next day's menu, so that items I wished could be prepared gluten-free. She made sure that I had a dessert every night--some I indulged in and some I didn't. If it didn't taste good, I didn't eat it. I really enjoyed eating the gluten-free bread with butter.

    I was a little nervous to get on the scale the following week, but when I did I found that I had actually lost .4 pound.

    There is such a freedom in this protocol. If your weight goes up, we know immediately what to do about it. I'm just mid-way in my quest for a thinner body, but I love this protocol.

  4. Thank goodness your stolen items were found!! and congratulations on recognizing that you were being controlled by the scale & calorie counting. You are such a motivator to all of us!!

  5. I am in the being tied to the scale, number, and body image right now. I don't like it. I feel like I'm not living to the fullest and that I'm missing out on things. I need to find a good balance. Thanks for the inspiration.
