Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not too bad!

Okay, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought:) I keep trying on my pants that I want to fit right and yesterday morning they really weren't that bad. So I thought, do I dare check the scale?? I did and I was 154.4! Only 4.6 above where I left on vacation! That was after a steak day and a high protein day. I can live with that :) TOM is due any day now, so I will just keep doing what I am doing and weigh at the end of next week when TOM is gone and see where I end up.
Work is busy. We got a completely new software program and are having to transfer all of the old data into the new program. But it will be really nice when it is done. It is almost time for kids to be going back to school (ugh!) and of course there is plenty to do for that. I am headed off to dance class before work. Have a great day!


  1. Ha! Look at you, stable Mable! You'll knock the vacation weight off in NO time!

  2. Hey, congrats! So glad to hear you didn't gain as much as you thought. Woot!

  3. Get. Out. Of. Town!!!! You go on a lovely vacation, really enjoy yourself, and you come home to only a 4.6 gain? You ARE stable!! Congratulations!!

    I'm SO glad to hear that you are still enjoying your job, and you're growing there!

    love you-

  4. I would think that small gain would be worth the fun vacation. You'll have that off sooner than you know it! Keep up the great work with maintaining.
