Thursday, May 13, 2010

R3 LM D29...

Down another -2.6 last night! I am at 148.8 this morning. My weight last friday was 147.8, so that is just 1 more pound to go. Even at the 148.8 I am a pound under where I ended P4 a month ago. I can live with that :) I just looked up the forecast for the next week and am quite pleased!! We are finally going to see 80 degrees!

Here was yesterday:


  1. Here comes the do do doooo! Here comes the sun and I say IT'S ALRIGHT!

    Good on you, Jen. I'm blown away - you have done a remarkable job correcting!!

  2. Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine, Good Day Sunshine....Is the tune that popped into my head.

    The work you've done to correct your weight gain is a job well done...and to come under by 1 lb is "icing on the cake". *GRIN*

  3. WOW! You've done so well getting back to your LDW-- very impressive!! Congrats!
