The next huge event for the week is that I am now unemployed! Yep, I got a phone message on Sunday morning that the store had been closed and that was that. No warning what so ever. They just said the store was not making enough money to keep it open. I know many of you have gone to the store by my referral and I am sorry for the abrupt closure. I also know that many of our current PIA clients read this blog, so to them I would like to say how fun it was working with you all, and I am so sorry that no warning was given. I know that many of you may have questions, comments, complaints or concerns regarding your programs. The only thing I can give you is the contact information for the owners other location. It is:
** This information has been removed. See Updated post.
If that doesn't get you what you need, you could try calling the Corporate Headquarters of Pounds and Inches Away at: 888-GET-HCG1.
That being said, you know you can always find me here, and I will be happy to try to help or answer any questions you have about HCG in general. If you do contact them, and get any other reason for the closure, or any derogatory comments made regarding the staff, please do be sure to come back here and let me know. There are a few legal issues that may need tending to:)
And lastly we finished the basement and the kitchen counters! Finally it is all done! Here are a few photos:
Kitchen Counters: