Sunday, September 12, 2010

R4 P2 D17....

Down -0.0lbs! That really ticks me off. I was wondering if I was going to have a problem this morning. We painted all day yesterday. My job is where the ceiling and walls come together so I must have done the equivalent of a million high step ups and I am sore. Also, I did not even think about it until the end of the day, but my hands were covered in paint. I have no idea if there are any oils in there or things that might affect me. Oh well, today I will wear gloves, but I still have to finish the bedroom. We got the main room painted, and just have to finish the hall and bedroom today. Then we will start the trim. The paint color turned out beautiful. Hard to believe this area has been a pile of junk for the past five years :) I was reading over on the forum about double protein days. One of the "experts" over there does these in the middle of her rounds when things get slow. I think I will try that today. It goes like this:

Breakfast: 100g protein
Lunch: 200g protein, veggie
Dinner: 100g protein, veggie

You must stay under the 500 calories, so you will most likely need to stick with chicken and fish. Then fill in with veggies to stay under the 500 cals. Here is my plan..

Breakfast: 6 egg whites 96

Lunch: 226g tilapia 220
150g asparagus 30

Dinner: 84g chicken 110
100g romaine 17

Total Calories: 473.0


  1. I'll just bet the combination of paint and extra exercise added up to the zero you're seeing today, Jen P. DON'T WORRY. I know that's easy for me to say. However, I think your plan for today's intake is excellent! I think if you keep pressing forward, you're going to see a very nice loss in the next couple of days.

    You're creating more than just a thin body right now. You're creating a beautiful home that will be a place you can retreat to. You're working in a job that fulfills you. You have a wonderful marriage. Creating a healthier, thinner body is only a part of what you're doing. The pounds will come off. Don't be discouraged. This isn't about something short-term, this is your life.

    love you-

  2. Isn't that just like LD to swoop in and put things in perspective!! You're right. I will just relax and let the body do what it is going to do. Got tons done today, but am very tired. Time to go sit in the hot tub! ;) Thanks a million! Hugs!
