Sunday, September 5, 2010

R4 P2 D10.....

Down -0.4 lbs! Not what I was hoping for but I will take it :) I am going to cross all my fingers and toes and (take some smooth move) and hope for -1.2 tomorrow to reach my first goal! Very happy so far with this round. I feel great, and hunger is in check. I did try miracle noodles yesterday at lunch. They were excellent with chicken and cabbage. I also used some braggs aminos. Those together made it just like chinese. I have used miracle noodles before and did not have an issue. I have not used the braggs before and did not realize how strong they are. It was pretty salty, so that could be why the loss was not quite as good today. I will test again in a few days and not use so much. I hope it works well because that felt like cheating. The miracle noodles were so filling and kept you feeling full for a long time. I could cut both of my fruits and just add miracle noodles to my meals and be just fine :) After reviewing my last 3 rounds I always lose 1+ pounds a day for about 10 days, and then from there I get the sporadic numbers from there on out. I am thinking I will weigh tomorrow and then weigh on Mon, Weds, and Sat. That way there should always be a nice loss, and I don't have to get frustrated on the .2 and .4 days. Unless I really stall. If I do 30 effective injections, and can average -.6, then I can end my round on Sept. 28th and will have reached my goal of 137. I have averaged .52 to .68 on my previous rounds so I really hope I can do it! Here is what I am having today:

4oz Chicken 146.6
250g Tomato 45.0
4oz Chicken 146.6
215g Apple 111.8
200g Celery 32

Total Calories: 482.0

Basement is sheet rocked and ready for mud on Monday! Then paint, trim
and doors, followed by carpet arriving on the 17th and we are finished!!


  1. Not bad, my friend! By the way, I saw your picture in the local ads! Way to go! So are you doing injections this round?

  2. Yeah, I to this day have never even gotten thru a round of antibiotics because I never remember to take my doses! Once a day just works better for me. How are you doing? We have not heard much from you !
