Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day Eighteen...

Today must be a catch up day!  -0.0!  I was exactly the same as yesterday.  I knew this would be coming so I am not surprised at all.   I was reading P & I again, and it says that people who consistently lose a pound a day (like I have) for a long time, inevitably hit a plateau.  So this could be the beginning of my plateau or just a day for the body to catch up.

Here is what I ate today:
Morning: Tea hot
Mid Morning: Yerba Mate Tea cold
Lunch: spinach,eggs,strawberries
Dinner: romaine,chicken,melba,apple

Pretty good day.  Did LOTS of chores.  Went to the movies.  Always have to fight a little bit of mental stuff on days with no loss.  I know its normal and I don't even think much about it, but it seems like there is always about an hour where I feel depressed or crave, or feel like this will take forever.... but it always passes and I am back on a high! :) 

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