Monday, January 18, 2010

R2 LM D32...

Up at +0.6 above LIW! I did have the cheesecake at lunch, but I don't think that was the cause. When I had it last week I had it at dinner with other cheats and did not gain anything. My guess is that TOM is supposed to arrive on Friday. When I look at the weigh ins for last month this is the day I was exactly +0.6 and it stayed above until TOM arrived. Tomorrow will be my last weigh in for a week or two. Don't want to stress myself out when there is so much swelling. I will just do a steak day on the day TOM arrives. Those are the only steak days I have ever had to do and the charts always show about a 2.8 gain the day TOM starts. Then I do the steak day and I go back below LIW the next day. This is probably one of the hardest parts of getting this surgery is accepting that my weight will be higher. The weight of the 2 implants is between 2.5 to 3.0 lbs. I will just have to add that to my LIW and go from there once the swelling is down. The hard part is the swelling can hang around for up to 3 months, but most should be gone in the first 3-4 weeks. Can't believe tomorrow is the big day......

Here is what I ate today:

eggs with cheddar
blueberries and cherries
ezekiel toast with butter and honey

cheeseburger, diet coke, and a kashi dark chocolate oatmeal "cookie"

string cheese, muffin with cc, sf pecan delight

egg salad in lettuce leaves, apple and orange slices

1/2 cup haggen daaz five ice cream, 1 square dark chocolate

TOMORROW IS ALMOST HERE.......... :) I hope I can sleep ;)

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