Wednesday, October 21, 2009

R2 P2 D13....

Down -.6 lbs! Yeah! I am very happy I did not cheat yesterday. I know I just have to keep my head down and keep going. Only 10 more injections. Only 2.4 more lbs to reach my goal for this round. Who wants to cheat when they are 2.4 lbs from their goal??? I mean really :)

I did some reading and some people say that they are losing more where they inject at. My top can't not lose any more! I have always injected in my stomach. So today I am changing to the thighs where I need it the most. We will see what happens. If it works I will be really ticked that I did not do that from the start!! :)

My round ends Oct. 31st. BUT, my period is due any day from 26th to the 30th. So I might have to go a little longer since Dr. S says you have to inject 3 more times after the period if ending a round. That sucks, but I also don't want to have issues stabilizing. I also gain about 3 lbs in the 3 days before my period starts. Last round I did not lose on the first day of TOM, but continued losing thru out TOM. Hopefully that is the cast this round. So basically the next 10 days could be interesting :) I am praying that I lose those 2.4 lbs quickly before the chaos starts!

Here is what I ate today:

Yerba Mate Tea hot

1/4 apple, grissini

protein shake with strawberries, no veg

1/4 apple, grissini

romaine, chicken, 1/2 baked apple

Boring day, not much to report! :)


  1. Jen,

    I don't believe it makes a difference in losing from where you inject. I think you lose weight from head to toe. I've always heard women complaining they lose their chest first. Or, my face looks thinner but my butt doesn't! I always inject in my thighs and I've lost in my face and chest. Just my thought...

    Do you inject during your period? Is round two harder? I'm down at 183 on day 16. Can't wait to break into the 170's!!!

  2. Molly,

    Yes I know it probably won't make a difference, but I am willing to try anything :) I took my measurements over the first 12 days of this round so I will compare at the end and see if it made any significant difference by location.

    I do inject during my period. But me periods are not painful and usually only 3-4 days. In round 1, I did not lose anything the day I started, but then lost over a pound thru out the rest of my period.

    Round 2: the first week I posted that it was much easier, no cravings, mentally easier, and physically feel much better. This second week I take it all back!! Just Kidding. I do feel much better physically this round. Not tired, and have alot of energy. But this week was definitely harder mentally than last. Yesterday was the worst. I REALLY want cookies and cake!! I don't know why. I am not actually hungry, most of the time, but still emotionally hungry :) As for results I am losing more slowly this round, but still averaging .66 per day.

    I am 158.2 today. That is so awesome to be 183!! You will reach the 170's in no time :)

  3. Just a thought Jen, if TOM is on it's way is it possible the cravings are TOM related?

    Pull out the ole' baked apple recipe and have that for a little while with your grissini to see if you can curb some of the sweet tooth.

    Cheering you on over here. And holding up the "YOU CAN DO IT" sign :0)

    Have a wonderful, weight losing, day!

  4. Ya, but my TOM is so random. Last month it was 34 days from the last one! So it could be TOM related if I am going to get it around the 26th, but if I am not going to get it until the 30th that doesn't make much sense.

    Regarding the baked apple, I am eating it everyday!! ;)

    If I look really hard, I think I can see your sign.... :)

    Keep it up!
