Sunday, October 25, 2009


So funny! Down -.8 lbs!! It's official, history does repeat itself! :) I surpassed my goal for this round so everything from here on out is just icing on the cake. I am going to now make my next goal 154 lbs. Why you ask?? Because that is the weight I need to reach for my BMI to be considered "Normal Weight". According to their chart I have been considered "obese" for who knows how long. Well, not anymore baby!

Here is what I ate today:

Yerba Mate Tea hot

1/4 apple

1/2 apple, celery, chicken

1/4 apple, 1/2 grissini

vanilla shake with protein powder and cocoa, baked apple

Walked for about 40 minutes. Made french toast and brownies for the family today. Oh how I wanted some.... :)

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS JEN!!!!!! *Balloons* *Streamers* Great job overcoming all the mental obstacles, hunger pains, and bad foods that were calling your name!!!

    Great Job!!! You are an inspiration!

