FINALLY!! -1.2 lbs loss this morning :) Much better. Okay I have a couple things to discuss this morning.
#1- Measurements. I took my measurements this morning and have lost 6.25 inches so far which is great. BUT- I just went back to the end of round 2 and compared those to now. I have only lost 1 inch more than I was at the end of round 2. Which means that during the last 12 days, 5.25 inches were being re-lost just to get back to where I was at the end of round 2. My weight did not change but obviously the eating and no exercise changed the composition and inches. I still felt great in my clothes, but by the time I started this round I definitely felt "soft" and flabbier, and there's the proof. If our muscle is being switched over to fat, but the scale nicely staying within the 2 # mark, that is deceiving. I must find out a way keep all of the muscle I have and not let that happen again. I would rather be leaner and a few pounds heavier, than at LIW and flabby. Any input you guys have would be appreciated :)
#2- Update on the girls: LOVING them! Finally they feel completely natural. The swelling is down and they have dropped and rounded out. My doctor is amazing. They look incredible. I am sooooo glad I chose the size I did. Every single person I asked for advice said the following: go just a little bigger than you think you are comfortable with. I did that, and was panicking, but I am so happy I did. They are the perfect size and I would not be as happy had I gone with what I was originally thinking. Husband is a little obsessed.... :)
Here is what I ate today:
1/2 breadstick, 1/2 baked apple, tea
protein shake with strawberries and cocoa
1/2 breadstick
tilapia, asparagus, 1/2 baked apple