Wednesday, February 3, 2010

R2 LM D48...

Little better at +1.1 above LIW! I am thinking that this does not have anything to do with almond flour. It does not seem to be the problem. I think it has more to do with ovulation, head cold, and swelling. I have said this before that any major moves in weight have ALWAYS been cycle related, and that I just need to trust that things will take care of them selves. I have been ovulating on the 13th day of my cycle each month. Last month on day 11 I went up a pound, then day 12 dropped down a little, then day 13 was up +1.6, then it tapered back down over the next couple days. Looks a lot like right now, but I also have the swelling to account for.

Here is what I ate today:

almond biscuit, tea

egg, cheese, ezekiel english muffin
sf apple sauce

almond sesame crackers, string cheese
almond banana blueberry muffin
sf coconut candy

cheeseburger, 1/2 choc shake

almond fried chicken, salad, sf applesauce

almond banana blueberry muffin
sf pecan delight

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