Monday, February 8, 2010

R3 P2 D3...

Results of second load day...+2.0 lbs! So that is a total of +4.0 lbs of load weight. Better than last round, so thats good. I will have to say that seeing the number 160 this morning was pretty tough when my LIW from last round was 151.8! (154.3 with implants) I am hoping that I will do what I did round 1 and lose 4.6 lbs the first day :) But second round that took 2 days. I guess I just need to look at it like this is my last round, so I will just go as long as I need to and reach my goal. Maybe that will be 23 days and maybe it will be 33 days! I put my neighbor and her mom on the protocol and they were at 23 days on saturday. One had lost 22 lbs and the other 17!! That is awesome. They did the high purity from pharmacy escrow, so I am wondering if that really does give a boost to the losses.

Here is what I ate today:

tea, breadstick

chicken, romaine, 1/2 apple

1/2 bread stick, 1/4 apple

1/2 bread stick, tea

tilapia, asparagus, 1/4 apple

1 baked apple

Got hungry around 10:30am and 4:00pm, but drank tea and that helped. Overall it wasn't too bad, but hated the feeling of thinking how long the next 3 weeks would be :)


  1. I got the same 4 pounds up total for LOAD. Uggh, felt so nasty last night. Can't wait till tomorrow morning. I could go days without eating after that. So depressing.
    To answer your question regarding why I am doing this with all my physcial activity: I finished my first round at 127 lIW. I kept it within 2 pounds for at least a couple of months. Until end of October I started training. The weight came on a pound or two a week. The only time I could get it close to 138 or 136 was with Intermittent fasting.
    I need to be at 122 to race, but without the loss of muscle. I am happy to hear that the second round you had better energy I am hoping for the same. I have decided in a couple of weeks when I have training lasting more than an hour I will use straight nothing add carborhydrate gel. (For now I have a VERY light week of training, with just half hour-hour easy runs).
    My goal is to drop only body fat...not muscle!!
    We shall see.
    Good luck on the scale tomorrow morning!

  2. I am happy that I did not wake up starving today :) I just want to get the load weight off ASAP :)

    I have been wondering about the muscle issue. I have always been active with a good amount of muscle. After losing the weight, I just stopped exercising all together because I did not want the scale to move. It was nice to not have to do anything and stay the same weight, but I definitely got "soft" and do not like that. I am wondering how to keep good muscle mass and MAINTAIN the new weightloss . What is your opinion on this. When you started training you said the weight came on a pound or two a week. Was that strictly your newly added muscle? Do you think the weight would stay stable each time you added muscle if you had not kept training harder and adding more muscle? So like if you come off protocol and start exercising which causes you to add maybe 2-5 lbs of muscle do you think by still eating correctly the weight will just stabilize at the new higher weight? Or did yours just keep climbing?

  3. Hi Jen
    I think it is a combination. As soon as I started back at the training my fuel requirements changes to favor more carbohydrate sources (although I am still unsure this is the way to go, but recommended by my coaches and nutritionist) the next factor is hunger. When I train my weeks are 18-22 hour weeks, and I get hungry. I think the weight came on because I didn't eat as well as I should have, but once I got back on track (the last couple of months) my weight stayed around 138-or above but I could bring it down with a steak day) and I was following paleo like princpals which just means eat lots of meat and veg, keep the carbs or grains to before workouts. as a result I was getting a nice body comp. now that I am loaded I look like crap! lol
    I am going to run now, but first have my 1.2 grapefruit so I don't run out of fuel.

    My goal is to move my body every day as I too felt softer after my last round, so I plan to do either some yoga, light resistance training each day. I REALLY want to get to 120!!!! but more importantly I want to STAY there. that's why I find you so inspirational....your like a rock in P3!

  4. Well, maybe a "soft" rock :) I think I like the body you described with the nice body comp!

    Maybe, if we eat right and keep up a moderate amount of training, then even if the scale moves up a little, we can maintain it while looking fabulous at the same time!! At least that is what I am hoping for.

    One other question, did you eat a lot of fats in p3 and beyond? I eat lots of real fats and I am convinced this is why I stabilize so well. I have found I can do without the starchy carbs, by cooking with almond flour and I like the taste so much better. If I can stay with protein, veggies, fruits, and almond flour alternatives, I can live with that. I do always have a small amount of "treats" as well :)

  5. yes in P3 I ate lots of coconut flour, pork chops, and coconut oil. I eat a salad pretty much every day that is avocado(1/4) yellow pepper, tomato and cucumber with olive oil and lemon juice for dressing (with some chipotle for kick).
    I think my problem is the sugar as well. I have celiac's so I don't eat much in the way of bread anyway, but I just don't think starches and sugars are for me.
    I will for sure stay true to the lean meats, veggies and moderate fruit come p3. I also think I should not eat nuts (aka crack).

    I can't wait for my load mood to go away....such a good reminder of why eating that way is no good for us!
