Tuesday, March 23, 2010

R3 P3 D20...

Well I fully expected to be way up today, but I am the same as yesterday. Maybe I sweated off any more possible TOM water gain at dance class last night before it could register on the scale :) Today is 31 days since last TOM, and the longest I have gone is 33. Feeling a little crampy so we will see. I made the carrot cake from the almond flour cookbook last night, but made them into muffins. Let me just say WOW! They are soooooo good. Little bit of cream cheese and you are in heaven!!

Here is what I ate today:

carrot cake muffin w 1/2 tbsp cc
113g fage with 63g berries, and 7g coconut flakes

1/2 apple, 113g cottage cheese

string cheese
3oz broccoli, 1.5 oz zucchini, w 1 tbsp ranch
almond flour cookie

1/2 apple, nutball

6oz chicken, 120g cabbage, 1 tbsp teriyaki, onions

3 sf candies, string cheese

Still no TOM as of tonight. I was going to do my weights work out, but I went and donated blood today without realizing that I was not allowed to do anything for the rest of the day that would make me "get hot" or sweat! Man, you try to do the right thing, but have to miss out on the work out. I was really bummed. But I am sure I will be blessed by the universe right?? :)


  1. You go, girl! I missed exercise 2 days in a row. Migraine was too much to deal with. It's so much better today, so I think I'll get my yoga, pilates, and wii fit on! :D

  2. You're becoming my shrink of hcg! Here's my question:

    did my round. Started p3. stabilized @ 185. On day 16 started again. (Remember when I talked w/you?I was just going to try it...)Two mini-load days-nothing out of control at all-got up to 187. Yesterday was my first real day. Today? Weighed in at 188! What the???!!Going the wronnng way! At perfectly-drank a ton. Any suggestions??? pretty discouraging.

  3. Molly-

    When you do the planned break or cycling you just go into p3 for your break and then restart the HCG with NO LOADING :) So it will correct itself, but you will still have the gains from eating loading food. Also, a lot of people cheat and don't gain the next day, but do the following day. And if I remember right most planned breaks are usually 7-10 days. I don't know if your 16 days would change anything, I will have to check into that.

  4. Hi Jen,

    What almond flour recipe book did you get? I would like to get one, but there are a few...or if you want to share the recipes that would work, too :)



  5. Hellooooo-- who is stabilized?? May I ask? YOU!!!! I'm thrilled to bits for you!

  6. Kelly- you have to get The almond flour gluten free cookbook by Elana Amsterdam. It is fabulous. Just make sure to get good almond flour like the blanched almond flour from Honeyville grain, or else they won't turn out as well. I made her carrot cake and made it in muffin tins. I have made the double layer cake version as well. SO GOOD! Everything I have tried is amazing. Remember with almond flour it will get very golden brown. But even though the outside might get dark the inside is perfectly moist. Also most recipes have you let them cool in the pans or tins for 20-60 minutes after cooking. Very important for them to finish cooking all the way. YUMMY!

    Lavender- I know, so cool right?? Things feel really good right now :)

  7. Hey Jen,

    I had to change my training date, so we'll need to change our lunch date. What's your schedule like?

    I am SOOOOOOOO excited about working with you!!!!!

  8. I am pretty open for lunch except for tues and thurs. But as for working out I go to dance on Mon and Sat. The rest is negotiable :) What is your schedule like??

    Are you going to train this week? or next?

  9. I think I'm training next week. My schedule is pretty nuts right now. I'm trying to get everything arranged before I start work! :) I may actually be free today, but I'm not sure. I'm babysitting a transaction. I'm showing homes tomorrow, have a lunch date and a fundraiser tomorrow, Friday I have a wedding reception and a closing (hopefully!). At some point I want to get to the Audi dealership!

  10. I was a mortgage loan processor for years, so I know what you mean! :) Just let me know when it looks like you might get a break and we will jump on it! You should be losing weight just with your schedule alone!
